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Moving Through Personal Change 

Understanding how you experience change is critical for a change to take hold.

The Emotional Change Curve derived from the work of Kubler-Ross, describes the internal emotional journey that individuals typically experience when dealing with change and transition. This journey consists of a number of stages that people go through: denial, shock, anger, depression, acceptance, decision, and integration.

We move from our current state of denial and resistance to a transitional state of exploration and acceptance, then to a new state of resilience. The Emotional Change Curve helps you determine where are you.

The Emotional Change Curve

Strategies for Managing Change



  • Organize your work – prioritize your work activities; create to-do lists; write down important information.

  • Keep your focus – schedule blocks of time to work on projects or a collection of small jobs.

  • Get assistance – ask for help when you get stuck or if you feel overwhelmed.

  • Be proactive – ask for clarification; request feedback often; take responsibility for your own actions.


  • Set a baseline – assess your fitness level, set realistic goals, choose an appropriate fitness plan, and start slowly.

  • Incorporate activity into your daily routine – take the stairs; park farther away; take a walk during breaks.


  • Eat well – fuel your body with nutritious foods; avoid alcohol, excessive caffeine, and mind-altering substances.

  • Find social and emotional support – avoid isolating yourself; find healthy and safe outlets for expressing your emotions; spend more time with family and friends.

  • Show appreciation – find ways to appreciate what you already have and show appreciation to others.



  • Accentuate the positive – express more appreciation and gratitude; reframe difficulties as opportunities; focus on what you have control over.

  • Eliminate the negative – minimize the stressors that you have no control over; stop focusing on the things that aren’t working well; complain less; stop trying to fix the things you have no control over.


  • Be proactive and positive – deal directly with the things that bother you; express yourself appropriately.

  • Demonstrate empathy – recognize that everyone, including you, has the right to their own opinions and feelings; put yourself in the other person’s shoes; respond to feelings first, and then content; show genuine curiosity and ask open-ended questions.


  • Think before you speak – understand the other person’s point of view first; focus on facts and observations; avoid making assumptions, interpretations, and judgmental statements.

  • Monitor your emotions – Use “I” statements; take a break from the conversation if emotions get hot.

How Do You Move Through the Change?

Whether at home, in the community or at work, individuals move through the change at different paces. The Prosci ADKAR® Model provides a framework for enabling individuals to make a transition. The Prosci's ADKAR® Model is an acronym for awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement. In essence, an individual needs: Awareness of the need for change. Desire to participate in and support the change.

The individual perspective of change is critical to any change you undertake. No matter how large of change you are taking on, the success of that change ultimately lies with you doing the right things that help you move forward.


To move out of the current state, an individual needs awareness of the need for change and a desire to participate in and support the change.


Successfully moving through the transition state requires knowledge on how to change and the ability to implement the required skills and behaviors.


In the future state, individuals need ability and reinforcement to sustain the change.


There are Three Stages of Change:

Having an individual change process is critical to moving you through the change with success.

The three stages of change are the current state, transition state, and future state. The ADKAR® Model is a powerful framework that breaks down change into distinct elements that help you understand the process of change and how to manage it. 


You can use the ADKAR Personal Change assessment to identify your barriers and gaps to change. Once you understand this and the root cause of your inability to change, you can develop a strategy for moving through the change.

  • Adopt changes faster

  • Stay focused during disruptive change

  • Understand how to navigate change

  • Obtain tools to feel in control

If you have any questions,

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If you are interested in coaching and mentoring to create an action plan, contact us and we will schedule a consultation session to discuss your specific needs.


"The five ADKAR elements—awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement—are the building blocks for creating change from the human perspective."

"The ADKAR model allows adults, youth, and teens to focus their activities on what will drive individual change and therefore achieve desired outcomes or goals"

"It provides a simple, easy-to-use framework for parents to support family members during times of change."

"Helps families discuss and solve problems together. Using the ADKAR model you can ask questions that will get to the heart of the challenges that family members are struggling with, and address where individual may be stuck."

"As a parent, I see how this helps my children and teens reduce stress and anxiety by identifying their barrier point and plan what they need to do next to solve challenges."

"ADKAR provides a common language to describe and discuss change together. A common language makes difficult conversations more outcome-oriented."

"ADKAR can be used to identify why I may be struggling with a particular situation."

"When you face a decision, you can use the ADKAR model to identify where you may more information, to make a decision."

"The ADKAR Model provides a helpful framework for discussing change in a direct conversation, in a productive way."

“It is intuitive and you can have family conversations around ADKAR. Often change conversations can be difficult. With ADKAR in mind you can ask questions that will get to the heart of the challenges that support you and family members through change."

"When you identify a barrier point with ADKAR, you can have a conversation with a common a language to provide feedback regarding any situation."

"ADKAR help individuals and family members connect to the actual barriers preventing others from moving forward with a change.”

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