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Your Energy Centers

The philosophical premises behind energy centers (Chakras) may vary depending on the tradition. Here are the most commonly accepted theories.

There are two main flows of energies contributing to the balance of the chakra system: An upward flow coming from the earth’s magnetic field going up the chakras, and a downward flow coming from a universal, all-encompassing energy. These two main currents of energy are said to balance the whole system. Another view emphasizes the upward feeding flow of energy from the root chakra and up.

This dualism in sources of energies is reminiscent of the old philosophical question of “mind over matter” and the origins and causes of the psyche and consciousness. For the sake of clarity, we’ll focus on how the energy moves through the chakras and ways to balance it, instead of debating the philosophical underpinnings of chakra theory.

The basic human chakra system, as it is commonly accepted, consists of seven chakras stretching from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Their names, locations and corresponding chakra colors are:

1.Root chakra— base of the spine — red

2.Sacral chakra — just below the navel — orange

3.Solar Plexus chakra — stomach area — yellow

4.Heart chakra — center of the chest — green

5.Throat chakra — base of the throat — blue

6.Third Eye chakra — forehead, above between the eyes — indigo

7.Crown chakra — top of the head — violet

The 7 chakras are part of the most known chakra system made of seven energy centers located along the spine and ending in the brain, from the perineum area to the top of the head.

The mainstream chakra system is based on a Hindu chakra system that recognizes seven distinct “wheels” or “centers” of energy that are perpetually in motion along the human body’s spinal column. Each possessing its own color and vibrational frequency, these wheels are the catalysts of consciousness and human function. They govern various emotional issues, from our survival instincts and self-esteem to our ability to communicate and experience love.

A Chakra is a circle, a wheel or a ring. In Sanskrit it is a term that refers to a center of subtle energy in the astral body of a human being. In our astral body there are many Nadis or astral nerves. They are like numerous channels. When many such channels or nerves come together, they are called chakras. We can visualize them as a kind of a great big network, where many wires come together, which go in and out. The energy is collected in the specific centers. It has the ability to transform and also to spread itself all over the body.

Although the chakras are often related to certain parts of the physical body, (like in the area of the heart or the solar plexus etc.) they are not identical with those organs, as the chakras are not a part of the physical body, but belong to our astral body, which is an energetic form of the physical body.

Each chakra refers to a certain level of energy vibration and in the various chakras the physical and emotional aspects of a human being come together. The energy raises when it gets more subtle.

Each Chakra is displayed in a specific color and has a certain number of petals of a lotus. On each petal a letter of the Sanskrit alphabet is written. One of these letters represents the main sound of that Chakra. When yogis practice Prananyama or breathing techniques, they practice raising the quality of the energy vibration in their chakras.

The Chakra System and How to Balance Each Chakra

 The Seven Chakra System


(or Base Chakra)

The root chakra is related to your basic needs – your survival center. This chakra manifests your primal and ancestral instincts, like your flight-or-fight response. As the foundation of the chakra system, the root chakra function is to respond to any issues concerning your survival such as eating, sleeping, exercising, housing, financial security, sense of safety, and stability.


(or Naval Chakra)

The sacral chakra starts is located below the navel and extends up to the pelvic region. This forms your deepest connections with sensuality and passion. The sacral chakra embodies your relationship to discovery and exploration of your world. This includes emotion, pleasure, connection, and intimacy.


The solar plexus chakra is the source of your personal power and confidence. This enables you to discover who you truly are and let your authenticity flourish. A balanced solar plexus chakra gives you the ability to overcome fear, master your thoughts, and make conscious choices.


The energy of the heart chakra starts in the center and expands through the chest. This chakra connects the lower and upper chakras, acting as a bridge between earthly matters and higher aspirations. This forms your deepest connections to affection, tenderness, and endearment. This charka embodies your ability to love unconditionally.


The throat chakra is motivated by expression and truth, it allows you to see the knowledge that is true, beyond the limitations of social conditioning. This chakra is responsible for communicating effectively and with conviction. When your fifth chakras energy is in harmony, you will stand up for what you believe in, be honest with yourself, and speak your truth.


The third eye chakra is motivated by knowledge, reflection, and intuition. The third eye chakra symbolizes your connection to wisdom and insight, allowing you to access the inner guidance that comes from deep within your being. This enables you to cut through illusion and access deeper truths.


The crown chakra is responsible for the transcendence of your limitations. When you are immersed in the energy of your seventh chakra, you feel a state of blissful unity with everything around you. The crown chakra enables you to move beyond materialistic needs and to connect with the universe as a whole. This chakra allows access to the utmost clarity and enlightened wisdom.


You may be familiar with the 7 major chakras of the human body. But did you know that some chakra systems count 12 or more chakras? In order to enhance your understanding of the energy body, it is essential to know your 12 chakras. Familiarity with the 12 chakra system adds depth, context, and appreciation for your understanding of how chakras work and how to best balance energies in your life.

The Crystals & Mineral Chakra Chart

The Food and Vibrational Messages by Chakra Chart

The Chakra System Chart

All of our senses, the way we perceive things, and our state of awareness can all be divided into 7 categories, and each of these can be associated with a particular Chakra.  If you are interested in balancing your energy centers, let's schedule a consultation session to discuss your specific needs.

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